Tag Archives: personalized

Back to School: Personalized School Supplies

First day of school: Your child arrives with fresh new notebooks, pencils, crayons, etc
Fast forward 2 months into the school year: Most of it goes missing! What happened to all the school supplies? Back to the store you go..

How many of you have witnessed the same scenario? (Or maybe you even remember it happening to yourself!) You buy new school supplies for your child, only to find more than half of it missing a few months in! Then I thought, if we put name tags on our pets for easy return, why don’t we do the same for school supplies? In today’s blog post, I’m going to share with everyone our favorite personalized school supplies!


FromĀ Personalization Mall

No more missing lunchpails on the playground!

From Toy Depot

Missing pencils will definitely find their owners! You can personalize it with names or your favorite sports team!

From The Palm Gifts

Not only would you be saving the environment by minimizing landfill, these are also cute!

From Little Lady Bug

If you can’t get something professionally personalized, try a premade sticker!

Did you have any of these school supplies when you were growing up? Let us know in the comments below! We would love to have the personalized water bottles back in our day!


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Filed under crafts, decor, decorations, family, fun, holidays, home, homes, ideas, party, school, summer